

Diadem Discos is the web portal to musical and artistic work and collaborations by Aja Rose Bond and Gabriel Mindel Saloman, both currently based out of Vancouver, B.C.

As artistic collaborators, Bond and Saloman engage in a variety of intermedia and interdisciplinary artistic practices that include sound, video, sculpture, installation, printed matter, textiles, and socially engaged works. Beginning in 2010 they ran a project space out of their home called the STAG (Strathcona Art Gallery), which evolved into The STAG Library, a semi-public, semi-private library and social space. They have exhibited artworks as part of the PUSH! International Performance Festival, and at the Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art in collaboration with Gina Badger, cheyanne turions and Eric Emery. https://diademdiscos.com/diadem/artworks/

“Diadem” also refers to a musical collaboration between Bond and Saloman; explorations in improvisation through melody and noise, using a variety of chance operation and graphic notation devices. Among these are a set of divination cards that they developed for this purpose, and a score based on the lunar calendar. Live they often use abstract scores based on their cards, or other situational concepts, incorporated into an intentional ritual performance. They generally perform with visual elements ranging from installation and sculpture to video and live projected drawings. https://diademdiscos.com/diadem/music/